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Cliff Keen Athletic
-Production Artist-
Wrestling Singlets (Fill-Ins)
Wrestling Singlets (Mock-Ups)
Cliff Keen Backpacks
Cliff Keen Head Gear
Cliff Keen Tag Design-All Phases
Cliff Keen Tag Design-Phase One
Cliff Keen Tag Design-Phase Two
Cliff Keen Tag Design-Phase Three
Keep Wrestling Commercial
At Cliff Keen Athletic, I learned a lot about production design.
We created production art for clothing and sporting apparel, wrestling singlets, headgear, shirts and other clothing items
( including some packaging design ). Creating fill-in and mock up orders.
Working with a diverse line of sporting goods and apparel, we worked through sublimation, clam-shell, shrink-wrap design and additional printing processes.
In addition, we also did video work creating a number of commercials. Gaining experience with video editing , formatting , and motion graphics. We worked primarily with Adobe Premier and Adobe After Effects.
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